Daylight- and presence-dependent office lighting on 18 floors – all wireless thanks to OSRAM HubSense

Office lighting – Leeuwarden, Netherlands

A completely new lighting system needed be installed in an existing 18-story office building. Requirements included appropriate energy efficiency and an easy-to-use lighting control system – on a limited budget. To avoid the cost and time of rewiring the 18 floors, a wireless solution was chosen. With OSRAM HubSense the ideal system was found.


Category: Office
Location: Netherlands
Technology/Services: Light management systems
Year: 2021

“Install a daylight- and presence-dependent LED lighting system on all 18 floors of a huge office building, the components of which can communicate wirelessly and be easily programmed and controlled by laypeople at any time.” Just a few years ago such an order would have been completely impossible, would have amounted to science fiction even. Today, however, this solution is not just feasible, it is much simpler and cheaper than a traditional wired installation. “Lumeco Light Solutions” and installation company “TBM KOOT Klimaattechniek” have shown just that in their office project in the Dutch town of Leeuwarden.

Gigantic scale
To illuminate the entire office building, more than 1,300 wireless LED fixtures from Lumeco had to be installed. At such a scale it is necessary to plan in advance the position of the luminaires and sensors as well as their lighting profiles. In search of a wireless light management system that can handle these large dimensions, the lighting experts at Lumeco recommended OSRAM HubSense. The flexible system makes it easy to create groups of luminaires and sensors and to redistribute them at any time. Configuration is straightforward using a mobile app on a tablet.

Sound and reliable
The LED luminaires were installed and connected to the daylight and presence sensors in next to no time – without the need for additional gateways. “We have proven that we can reach up to 1,400 nodes without needing a gateway,” says the project manager at Lumeco, Joost Boot, with pride. But what’s much more important for the users is that the wireless solution works soundly and reliably despite the system’s size. Operation is also self-explanatory according to Joost Boot: “OSRAM HubSense is easy to learn. No training or instruction is necessary.”

Comfort and efficiency
The LED luminaires, which are already efficient, save even more energy in conjunction with intelligent lighting control via sensors. And comfort is outstanding because there is a balance between natural daylight and artificial light at all times. Light intensity is always kept at the required level. No doubt, the new system has made everyone’s job in Leeuwarden even easier.

Project partners
Lumeco B. V.